Whatever Speed It Takes
“…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” – Ephesians 4:13
Dear Friends,
I’ve been wrestling and wondering whether I should mention this, but it’s getting to awkward to avoid it. I’m sure some of you have been wondering and the answer is… Yes, I’m intentionally growing out my mustache. It’s not because I’m going for a new look. It’s because I’m preparing for a Hercule Poirot character in our annual VBS program, which will be Train themed! And it takes a darn long time to grow out a massive mustache, a la the king of mysteries himself! Please, bear with me!
At Canonsburg UP Church, VBS is a year-long process of planning and preparation, from crafts and curriculum to sets and costumes – and even “hair and makeup” – LOL. But it’s true. We take great care in preparing a week for kids that we hope and trust will be a part of their journey of faith, a part of their growth in Jesus.
Both, take time.
It does take hours and hours to prepare for an amazing program like our VBS. But it also takes time, a long time, for us to grow into the likeness of Jesus, for us to be transformed – both inside and out – in our journey of faith. And for people like me… people who like to drive in the passing lane, who are often too eager to let their spouse finish her story, who don’t mind watching a game on tape delay… so I can skip the commercials… taking time, taking God’s time can be a challenge.
Right now, I’m out taking part in a program for Christian Formation and Spiritual Direction. It’s something that came about from my Sabbatical this summer – but something that God’s been whispering in my ear for close to two years. During that time, I felt a bit confused – I had a sense that God was leading me toward something and that God was calling me to help our church toward… something related to our growth, development, formation and that it included spiritual direction, but I was honestly unsure what and how. I often wondered if I was missing something, if I was out of step because I wasn’t doing anything with this whisper.
And then doors opened this summer… and I realize that I was just in a period of waiting, on God’s perfect timing. And that all along, God was still working on, and in me.
It’s a process, this journey of faith. And it’s much slower than some of us (I’m talking about me) would like. And yet… it’s much more effective when we follow Jesus’ way.
Kinda reminds me of cooking. Most things – whether baked in the oven or cooked on the stove, have an ideal temperature. And if you’re in a pinch, you might be tempted to increase that temperature – or even just go to the microwave. But when we do that, it never turns out quite as good. And some things we can flat out ruin that way.
I’m grateful that God is at work in me, and in you – in us, at whatever speed is necessary to form us into the people we were created to be. I’m grateful to be doing it with you too!
Welcoming You to Grow in Jesus – however slow it takes,
Pastor Don