Waiting?? God’s At Work

Canonsburgup   -  

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless…” – Romans 5:6a

Dear Friends,

There’s an armload of verses that I just absolutely love and find myself returning to again and again. Then I find myself writing about them to you – mainly because I’m always writing to myself, and preaching to myself first.  This is one of those examples.

I’ve admitted, I’m not a patient man.  It’s definitely a top 10 sore spot in my marriage… the number of times things have come undone because I was impatient with Bridgette, or just impatient when Bridgette was around… but this isn’t marriage therapy time.

And yet time and again, I’m struck how God moves at just the right time.  Not my timing.  But the right time, no doubt.

Maybe you’ve got patience to spare (if so, send some my way).  Maybe you’re more like me, and you find yourself grinding your teeth or muttering under your breath or moving and maneuvering all sorts of things that don’t amount to anything, because you just can’t wait.  I mean, when you’re short-staffed at work, you just can’t sit back and wait, can you?  When you’re trying to pay the bills, you can’t just stand back and wait for a check to arrive, can you?  When you’re late to get on your way, you can’t just sit there patiently for everyone to load up, can you?

Oh… you can?

You mean to tell me, God’s at work, even when I’m… impatiently waiting?

Right now, we’ve been waiting to add staff to our church office and our daycare, leaders to some key ministries, funding to meet our annual budget, bids to come in for unfinished projects and more beyond that.  And as it turns out… God’s been at work.  Over the past couple of days it’s been so gratifying to see movement on some of these things and realize that God has been at work.

So, in case you needed to hear it again (as I do, all the time) – God is at work, and at just the right time, God will bring all that work together, for God’s glory.  In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to be patient and trust in God.

Welcoming You to Grow in Jesus – one moment at a time,

Pastor Don