“And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ then tell them, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice to the LORD, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.’” – Exodus 12: 26-27Dear Friends, This Sunday, we’ve got a whole lot going on in worship – ordaining and installing deacons and elders, a baptism and communion – not to mention scripture, songs and a sermon. And what’s really cool is that we’ll be living out that message through these things… I’ll explain Sunday. I want to go back for a moment though, to part of what we talked about Sunday. Chapter 12 of Exodus is more than just the story of what God did for Israel in Egypt, the people of God are also making meaning out of it, right there in the middle, and they’re also providing vital instructions for all the generations to come, all those who hadn’t experienced the actual miracle. When I was younger, (and to some degree now too), I was excited about all the new things that I could do, and about doing the old things in new ways. I still think there’s value in this. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve also grown to appreciate and find comfort in certain things happening over and over again, often in the same way. The rhythm of praying the Lord’s Prayer together, the awe of the Hallelujah Chorus by candlelight, the echoes of hammer and nail and the hush of exiting the sanctuary in darkness Maundy Thursday. And these are just in worship! There is something in these experiences, happening over weeks and years, that go beyond words to capture our hearts. God is at work in unique ways. But the struggle is that it takes time – weeks and years often – for us to realize that God has been at work. It’s only in looking back. And… like we talked about Sunday, it’s easy to pull the plug and bail in the midst of this work God is doing in us, forming us, and then we miss out on the benefits of that formation. This is why it’s absolutely imperative for us adults, to be able, not just to tell the next generations what God did, but also how that has molded and shaped us, and so why we do the things that we do. Which of course, means that we have to be paying attention, taking stock, recognizing God at work and being vulnerable enough to say why and how we experience God in our work and worship and daily lives. And… to be open to the ways that others – young and old alike – have differing, valuable experiences, and to make room for them in our work and worship and daily lives. It’s in so doing that we grow together. All of this we do in our vows to encourage, respect and follow the deacons and elders we ordain. It’s a fulfillment of our baptismal vows to teach, guide and nurture – by helping them to understand in their hearts and souls as well as their minds. It’s also implicit in our gathering together as we sing and pray and listen and receive bread and juice and the grace of God. Welcoming You to Grow in Jesus, Pastor Don |