God Won’t Leave You Behind

Canonsburgup   -  

Moses answered, ‘We will go with our young and our old, with our sons and our daughters, and with our flocks and herds, because we are to celebrate a festival to the LORD.’” – Exodus 10:9

Dear Friends,

As we continue the story of the Exodus – both in worship and midweek, there’s just so much in the story that is good.  I hope you’ve been finding encouragement, even in the story of the plagues, as God was his good and loving intention for humanity and all of creation.  If you weren’t able to get out in-person, because of the snowy and cold weather – check out the service online!  Speaking of the cold, I hope and pray that you’re staying warm, and a reminder that if you need help with something, don’t hesitate to reach out.  These temperatures have been a challenge for so many people – but know you have a loving community who supports you and is willing to help!

Speaking of which, back in the story of the Exodus, following the plague of locusts, right before the darkness, Moses has continued to return to Pharaoh, calling him to let the people go out to worship the Lord, and he states very clearly – this isn’t just some but all of the people.

Think of that for a second… Moses… isn’t going to leave anyone behind.  No, God isn’t going to leave anyone behind.  It’s not just the best and the brightest who will be freed.  It’s not just the wealthy or the in-crowd.  It’s not just the men, it’s not just the women.  It’s not just the young or the old, the healthy or the strong.  It’s not just the people for that matter, but it’s their flocks and herds, their livestock, their provision too.  And that’s not just reserved for the story of the Exodus.

We worship a God who makes room for all of us too.  God’s intention is that we all live in freedom from bondage and slavery – from sin, from ourselves, from each other.  We are meant to live.  All of us.

I’ve never served in the armed forces, but I admit to getting a little choked up in any film that depicts a service member turning around and going back for their fellow soldier.  The Rangers “leave no man behind” motto is more than a moving sentiment, it’s the gospel message, first enacted in the Exodus story.

If you’ve ever felt like you don’t measure up, that you weren’t the first pick, that you don’t belong with the “cool crowd,” that you were the wrong gender, ethnicity, social class or whatever – here’s something good news: God won’t, and never has, had any intention of leaving you behind.  Whether or not you’re on the inside at school or work or your neighborhood or not, you are with God.  And therefore, you are at Canonsburg UP Church.

I’m so glad you’re here.  And I promise, we’ve got no intention of leaving you behind, in any way (just one of the reasons we offer church online – for when you just can’t get out.  But we do love to see you in person!)

Welcoming You to Grow in Jesus,

Pastor Don